Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is the downward movement of the pelvic organs (bladder, rectum, uterus) towards the vaginal opening. Prolapse is extremely common, with 50% of women having a degree of organ movement.
- A bulging feeling in the vagina or visualising a bulge at the entrance of your vagina
- Vaginal pressure
- Heaviness, dragging or pulling sensation in the vagina
- Low back ache
- Pain with sexual intercourse
- Inability to put a tampon inside or cannot get the tampon in the right position
- Bladder leakage and difficulty emptying your bladder
- Constipation or difficulty emptying your rectum (e.g. needing to use assistance)
Pelvic floor physiotherapy can reduce prolapse symptoms and prevent the progression of the prolapse stage. We will take a thorough assessment, complete a vaginal examination and determine the stage of your prolapse and our treatment plan. Treatment would usually include:
- Improving bladder and bowel function
- Optimising breathing patterns
- Pelvic floor strengthening program
- Lifting, gym and exercise techniques
- Abdominal strengthening
- Pessary
A pessary is a silicone device that is inserted into the vagina to reduce prolapse symptoms by supporting the prolapsed organ. It relieves symptoms of heaviness, bulging and pressure.
We use a pessary to stop further descent of the organ, minimise all symptoms, and for you to continue exercise symptom free. We stock multiple different pessary shapes and sizes, and we are dedicated to find the one that best suits you and your body.
If you are considering a prolapse surgery or hysterectomy, pessary’s can be life changing and are an amazing treatment option. Consideration of this prior to surgery is extremely recommended.